Yoga for constipation -
inner body |
Nowadays constipation is a major problem in our daily life. The main cause of constipation is indigestion.
All of us has experienced constipation and some painful discomfort of it due to - stress, lack of physical activity, daily habits, sleeplessness, etc. And for that, you have hard and dry stools that are difficult to eliminate.
# Symptoms of constipation and indigestion -
1. Feels difficulty and straining when passing stools.
2. Pain in the abdomen.
3. Feeling weakness.
4. Filling like lethargy.
5. A filling that not all stool has passed.
# Some common cause of constipation and indigestion-
1. Lack of water in your diet.
2. Insufficient fiber, high fat in your diet.
3. Inactive lifestyle.
4. Stress.
5. Eating a lot of junk food like dairy product, red meat, white bread, alcohol, chips, etc.
6. Pregnancy.
7. Eating too fast or not chewing your food well enough.etc.
#Yoga for constipation / Yoga for indigestion / Remedies-
Yoga is originated in ancient India, but today is practiced all over the world.
Pranayam, yogasan or morning yoga are the best methods to cure indigestion and constipation permanently. There are some best types of yoga for constipation and indigestion are following-
#1. Pawanmuktasana-
Pawan means- gas, air.
mukta means- free.
asana means- poses.
*First, lay down on the level floor at relaxing. rise the right leg bend the knee and bring the thigh close to the chest.
*Interlock the fingers of both hands and hold the right leg from just below the knee, Inhale deeply. and while exhaling lift the head bringing the nose closer to the right knee without straining.
* Hold that poses for ten-second. then comes back the original position means laying down straightly.
* Hold that poses for ten-second. then comes back the original position means laying down straightly.
*Then the same process is done by the left leg. and then that process is done by both legs.
*Practice this steps three to four times. then rest by savasana for a minute.
#2. Vajrasana-
vajra means waste.and
asana means pose.
It is a very effective asana for indigestion.
* Bend your knees and sit on your buttocks.
* Heels are the outward direction than,
* The thumbs of both toes should be touching with each other and both soles also should be touching together.
* knees should be touching with each other.
* Then keep your right palm on your right knees and left palm on your left knees.
* Make sure your spinal cord and head should be straight.
* Inhale and exhale slowly.
* Allow your body and mind relax completely.
* Practice Vajrasana regularly for at least 20-30 minutes immediately after meals.
#3 Mandukasana (frog pose)-
In Sanskrit manduk means frog. It is a very good exercise for curing constipation.
STEP 1 |
STEP 2 |
* Sit comfortably in vajrasana pose.
* Relax your mind.
* (type-1) Place your left palm on your right palm or vice versa, keep them on the navel area. or
* (type-2) Close the fists of your both hands and keep them on the naval area.
* Inhale deeply.
* Then exhale fully, bend forward and put maximum pressure on the naval area by your hand.
* While bending forward your chest should touch your thigh.
* Hold the breath when you are bending forward.
* Stay at this pose as long as you can (20-30second).
* Then inhale deeply and come back to starting position (vajrasana).
* Repeat this for 6-10 times.
#4 Kapalbhati Pranayam-
Kapalbhati is a Sanskrit word, in which Kapal means forehead and bhati means light. Pranayam means breathing exercise.
Kapalbhati Pranayam is a type of breathing exercise. In Kapalbhati Pranayam we exhale with stroke.
The most important things are that when we are exhaling while doing Kapalbhati Pranayam assume that all the mental and physical disorder are kicked out from our body and also from our mind.
* At first sit in padmasana pose and keep your spine straight.
* Keep your hands on both your knees and finger of hands are in Dhyan mudra (or any other specific mudra) pose.
* Now close your eye and inhale deeply through your both nostrils until your lungs are full of air.
* Now forcefully exhale through both nostrils, so your stomach will go deep inside.
* During exhale there is a sibilate sound from your nose.
* Now repeat this whole process for at least 10 minutes to gain amazing results.
Constipation is one of the main issue in human body. many people have a habit of yoga. they perform in early morning and that's the good thing. The problem of constipation and indigestion should be control by Yoga. If you want to purchase piles products online click here home based delivery are available. thanks
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